Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Pengasih
Assalammualaikum wbt
Letakkan rasa percaya yang pertama pada Allah swt. Kemudian Rasulullah saw. Minta dengan Allah swt melalui doa, rasa percaya pada sesama insan dan makhluk diwaktu, situasi dan rasa yang tepat.
Rasa yang tulus
Bersih pada hakikatnya
Jangan dikhianati
Jangan dinodai
Jangan dijadikan berparut dihati
Percayalah ..
NOTA PC : Rasa percaya itu mahal. sekali terkena ingat sampai bila-bila.
mendapatkan kepercayaan juga bukan sesuatu yang mudah, Sekali dah miliki, janganlah khianati
BalasPadamThis knit's pattern is very lovely! As winter approaches, I am also considering crocheting a scarf for my daughter, but I haven't had the time due to my job. For a customer, I am now writing a history essay and delivering the Hnd Assignment Help. However, I still have a long way to go before I can finish it. Though right now, I am taking a breather and looking for some ideas for the design of the scarf.
PadamLater this year, I plan to travel to Indonesia, and I anticipate purchasing a sizable number of Indonesian handicrafts there and providing the online PhD thesis help. Anyway, once I finish the topic at hand (I offer online homework assistance and am working on a project that I must complete in a few hours), I will do more study on it. I'll start doing some study on Indonesian handicrafts as soon as I've uploaded it.